OPEX Slow Strength 7/13/15

Posted: July 14, 2015 in WODs

Warm up:
3×10 (10 is reps) dead bugs

3×10 side plank clamshell

3×10 meter bear crawl

2×10 meter walking lunge with trunk rotation

2×10 meter broad jump

1×10 box jump 20-24″ WITH step down

A. Goblet RFESS @30×1; 4-6/leg x4; Rest 90 seconds between legs
70# for 6, 80# for 4L 6R, 70# for 6s

B. CGBP Cluster @30×1; x4; Rest 2 minutes – “.” means rest 15-30 seconds
105# 1st set, 110# for the rest. Slightly better than last week for my right shoulder but aggravated my right neck.

C. Bear position ISO hold; 60 seconds x5; Rest as needed – http://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/rts-coaching-the-bear/?utm_content=bufferfd135&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

D. Deadbugs; 16 alternating reps x5; Rest 75 seconds – http://tonygentilcore.com/2013/10/deadbugs-the-what-why-and-how/
5 rounds for time
15 HR push ups
3 rope climbs
30 DU

  1. mcbann says:

    Using neck to stabilize shoulders.

    Access to DB’s?

    Michael Bann Strength and Conditioning Coach OPEX (formerly OPT) 16573 N 92 St #135, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Office: 480-699-3045


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